The most horrible time of the year

04:06 Maya 0 Comments

Okay yay, Christmas was pretty good. The fam and I just ate, chilled and ate more. I got good gifts and I gave good gives.
But sadly Christmas is over and now we enter those weird few day between Christmas and New Years, you know what I mean? I hate these couple of days because you just don't what to do and everything just feels not right.
But whatever, the worst part between these few days is when on one day the WHOLE of my mums side comes round to my Nan's tiny house and tries to park on my Nan's rubbish parking road-don't ask why I find that part stressful it just is. Now you may think 'Maya that's just your cousins and your uncles and aunties.' But no! Not when your grandparents decided to have 7 KIDS. Now say each child has about 2 kids each, that makes 14 plus the 7 original kids that's 21 people and then add spouses(including cousins) that's about 10 more people and then add in the cousins kids,3. So we're currently on about 35 people crammed into the tiniest freaking house ever. Thinking about it we'd fit if we were spread out around the house but no, everyone tries to squeeze into the tiny kitchen and the tiny telly room with the huge bloody table and if you can't fit you go into the front room. But it's always all the guys in the front room, all the girls in the back room and all the aunties in the kitchen. 
I've spoken about this before with the whole talking to family and feeling like the weight of everyone is crushing you. This is the time with the whole cycle of sneaking upstairs and being forced to go downstairs then sneaking upstairs.
I'm staying the night for a few days at my Nan's afterwards which makes it bit better because I have an excuse for bringing books, iPads, chargers and what not. That helps because I can keep occupied easier.
Another good thing is that one of my uncles family aren't coming because they're all going round to his which minuses a few people, that's good.
Okay well I need to go get ready so let's hope I survive this one without wanting to kill myself too much.


Maya xx