Laterzzzzz 2k14

13:32 Maya 0 Comments

Wayhey so it's the end of 2014 automatically mentally forcing me to write a post about the year.
To be honest at the start of the year I thought 2014 was gonna be my year. Pah what a twat. 
So I guess if have to make a list of my highlights so here we goooo:
1) I went skiing for the first time which was really cool because it was something I really wanted to do for ages so I was finally able to tick that off my bucket list.
2) I went to Normandy with my school as well, that was a great trip because I learnt so much about a subject that I find really interesting. I witnessed one of the most surreal things ever which was the day we visited the American cemetery it was the 4th of July so obviously there were more Americans than there would usually be but as we were going toward the graves a canon effect sounded and in sync all the Americans stood with their hands on their chest for the national anthem. It probably doesn't sound at great but trust me. I made some cool friends there but they later turned annoying but they were cool.
3) The day before I left for Normandy I went to see my all time favourite person in the world, I would call him the amazing but that doesn't even sum it so I'm going to just say Cody Simpson. That was probably one of the best nights of my life because I've loved and admired him for so long and I finally got to see him live and have a sort of connection with him. I remember as soon as he walked on stage I pretty much burst into tears and cried so much. Seeing him made me so happy and even though I was so tired in the way home I could not stop smiling. He sang my favourite songs plus some Elvis, did a bit of rapping and sang a little Bob Marley. I listen to videos I took and look at the pictures and it makes me feel so strange and giddy. It's strange how a person who doesn't even know you exist can make to feel like that, you know?
4) I met the queen Binky Felstead off of Made in Chelsea at a book signing in Waterstones and even though I had a two minute conversation with her she was so sweet and lovely. She complimented me on my smile and my name, two things that I'm quite self-conscious about but she made me so happy about them.
5) I went in holiday to Crete which was pretty cool since it was the first time I went on holiday with my cousins. 
6) I fell in love with more celebrities and programmes (wayhey) therefore ruining my life even more. Shout out to the Peaky Blinders-Finn Cole in particular, you gorgeous boy ;)- and basically every programme I watched on Netflix
Now I shall go on to to things I've done to benefit myself,
7) I left a friendship group that pretty much I've been in since I was 8 , I kinda realised that they were all really bitchy and no one was really friends in that group apart from 4 people who either liked you or hated you and I guess I didn't like that. That's not to say I'm not friends with them anymore because we still get along, maybe in a way I have to be because I walk to school with them. Regardless it was better for me and I'm happy about it, there was so much negative energy and I couldn't deal with it.
8) So since getting Tumblr it has influenced me in a lot of ways like its okay to feel upset sometimes like I've said in another post and causing me to watch more and more programmes and ruin my social life more and more. But one thing it has taught it is to embrace my gender. As of 2014 I feel like I can call myself a feminist, there are so many things that need to change and need to be embraced and I want to be part of that movement. I've learnt to never let a man take advantage of me and to never let someone put me down because I'm a female. It had also taught me about genders and sexuality and has really opened my eyes towards the world. Following all the stories about Michael Brown and with the recent Leelah Alcorn I feel like I understand how the world works, that it is a cruel place. But then with young girls like Malala we can enhance the world and make it better. I've learnt so many things from just a website and its weird because I'm so grateful for that.
9) Now I can say this one because this is the only social network I have where I know my friends and family won't see it so I'm gonna go ahead and say it. I have learnt not be afraid of my dad. This is one where I think I will continue to do through out 2015 as well. This year my mum and dad separated, now you may be thinking 'oh no Maya how sad' but not at all my loves. Through the years I have grown to dislike my dad and I realised he is not a person I want in life, bringing so much negativity into the place that is supposed to be my sanctuary. After he left our home my sister and my mum-who I recently realised is one of the best women in the world and I'm not saying that because she's my mum, she's so strong in every way and makes me so proud to be her daughter-sat down and talked about pretty much everything about us as a family and our thoughts on everything and on what was happening. That talk made me feel so much better about what was going on and that what is happening in our family is for the best.
10) This one you may not think works in this section but whatever. I STARTED WRITING AGAIN (YAY). You may not think that's so great but writing for me is one if my favourite things to do, like even though I don't do it super often I love writing these posts. In year 8-my worst year- I had an imagines account and when my friends mention I'm like "ooh cringe" but to be honest writing those imagines were one of my favourite things to do. I always wrote small things in my phone notes but now I've basically started writing a book in my notes with character descriptions and everything. Since starting that and kick starting the writing part of my brain a lot is better in my head. If I feel stress I can write something or read through what I've written before and maybe improve it or maybe not. This is benefits me mentally in so many ways and so hopefully in 2015 I will maybe even finish it.
11) And one more for luck! I feel like I have learnt a bit more about myself as a person this year. I've realised what music I like which is basically everything apart from screamo and dubstep. I've realised what books and films I like. What kind if clothes I like which I've realised I have a pretty cool style. This being said it doesn't mean I won't open myself up to new things. There's so many different genres of everything and so many new things to discover which I hopefully will do in 2015.

But yeah so that's pretty much my 2014 of course bad things have happened but right now I'm trying to concentrate on the positives whilst going into the new year. So yeah, have a great year people hopefully I will and ill see you in 2015!

Maya xx