I survived

09:50 Maya 0 Comments

Okay I known its been nearly a month but I just wanted to resurface to tell you guys..


Yes it true I made it but trust me it was very difficult. It made remember that long list of other thing I hate about weddings but you know what always at the top. The one thing that no matter what happens the worst that about weddings are:
Yes photographers. Like it okay if you have a couple because they don't always get in the way but my cousin had about five not to mention they were the rudest little shitbags ever. They didn't care if you were trying to take your photos, they will go straight in front of you and take your photo. Like excuse me? The worst is when you're trying to talk to bride or whatever and they just barge in a nod whizz her away, like what? They just aggravate me so much in everyday possible. Then okay so at the reception they had a little slideshow of some of the photos they had taken and you know what? THE PHOTOS WEREN'T EVEN THAT GOOD. People looked so awkward in them and half of the photos weren't even in focus. Are you kidding me? You took up half the hall with your equipment and produce that rubbish? The worst thing is I'm not even exaggerating.
Now you're probably thinking don't you want photographers at your wedding? Maybe a couple but not every person with a camera. You see being me I have more or less my whole wedding sorted out from the dress to the food, one of the ideas is: as people are coming into the wedding they'll be given a disposable camera. That way the photos we get back will be from how they experienced the wedding and not all awkward and commercialised. If you're wondering where I got the idea, I was watching 'Don't tell the Bride' and they didn't have enough money for the photographer so they came up with that. So not only will it prevent stress but it will be cheaper!
Anyways back to the wedding. To be honest I don't really know what to say now that I've vented about the photographers. Ummmmmmm, oh yeah! Basically one person from every country was there and I'm not even joking, there were people from South Africa, Canada- oh my god there were these two little boys with horrendous haircut but they were absolutely adorable-, Singapore, Tanzania, America, India and probably more there were so many it was crazy. 
One thing I learnt from the wedding though: Fruit Shoot is basically Redbull for 7 year olds...I'm not even joking.
Apart from that everything else was as annoying as usually, aunties commenting on my body- oh god no I just remember my aunts randomly commented on the fact that I now have boobs?! Did she think I was a boy?! Sorry I don't wear low cut, tight tops all time. Like you don't comment of your nieces cleavage, it's not right! But yeah my cousins got completely pissed at the reception, one started to drunkenly lecture me about the fact that he's made a lot of 'mistakes' but he'll tell me about them when I'm 18 and then start telling me that I was gonna do well in life-which I swear all drunk people say to kids my age-and stuff like that.
But yeah so another wedding down and hopefully not another one for a while. Laterzzzzz.

Maya xx