Something that gets on my tits

05:16 Maya 0 Comments

Okay so you know what really gets on my tits? When someone from a band posts a pic on Instagram and it has everyone but one person or say the band has 4 members and 2 are there and 2 aren't. You go to the comment and it's all "omg where's soandso?! 😭".Say for instance we're talking about 5sos-picked as it was where I've seen this occur most-and Calum posts a photo with Luke and several other people. You go to comments and everyone's like "oMg WhErEs MicHael?!😭😭😭"(or Ashton, take your pick). Like chill the tf out. It's not like they spend their entire life together. They already spend like 5 months on the road together, they deserve some kind of break from each other. Christ. Maybe they couldn't come because they're doing stuff with family or just didn't want to come. They're not all connected at the hip.
But whatever, that's something that annoys me, laterz
Maya xx