It happened

12:50 Maya 0 Comments

So today was the day that it finally happened, my mum said those words, 'we are getting a divorce'. I guess I always saw it coming since they became separated I just never knew what it would feel like. Those words were then accompanied by a very long discussion about our feelings and the past and present and all sorts.
There were times where I thought my dad would get up and leave because he is a very stubborn man, you see. I guess that where my sisters and I get it from. it was difficult of course but it was also refreshing to get everything out on the table but then again having your heart on your sleeve makes it a lot easier to have it ripped off. 
That also caused me to be A LOT more cautious in they was that I express my feeling to different people. And when something that I have been supressed for a long time come up, words just flood out of my mouth causing the person in front of me to end up feeling extremely awkward which ends up with everything becoming worse.
I know this will sound cheesy but I guess we could call it a new chapter. I'm slowly becoming more independent and I'm enjoying that. I have a group of friends who I love to bits and would not change for the world. This separation ironically has brought my sisters, my mum and I so much closer together. We talk about so much more things so much more openly(not sure if that makes sense) and I am so thankful for that.
The only thing I'm dreading is that we have one of those God-awful meet ups and my nans house with the whole family tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. I'm telling you now though if anyone asks me about it, I'm shutting them down straight away. I'm never told about their family affairs so why should I tell them about mine?
But anyways lets just hope I survive.

Maya xx



15:50 Maya 0 Comments

And it's cha not 'chai' okay?


Had to say it

15:49 Maya 0 Comments

Can all these white girls stop taking our 'henna' because I don't appreciate them turning my culture into a fashion trend, thank you very much 


Kanye West, Glastonbury analysis

03:31 Maya 0 Comments

Okay people are still talking about this so it is still pissing me off.

To everyone saying that because Kanye performed alone at Glastonbury this showed of his egotistical side. Well guess fucking what, Ed Sheeran performs live all by himself with no one else on stage. But noooooooooo, no one would ever call Ed Sheeran egoistical for doing that. 
I get that Ed Sheeran is super lovely in interviews so people naturally love him but all Kanye does in interviews is speak the truth, which in fact I think is better than be all lovely because it shows that he's not afraid. Of course I'm saying you should be kind but isn't honestly the best policy.
Overall I loved Kanye's performance at Glastonbury. It's started off amazing and I was jammin, then there was a small dip of him playing around with the auto tune but he brought straight back up with the cherry picker and I bloody loved it.
Anyone who knows me knows that I love Kanye West and I will defend him till the day I die. 
Kanye West makes amazing music and doesn't give shit, which is all I could ever need in an artist.

Maya xx