Pet Peeve No. 1

05:58 Maya 0 Comments

So there are a lot of things in this world that really rub me up the wrong way and make me want to rip peoples heads off and I guess it makes me kind of sad how there are more things that I dislike to the things I like, if that makes sense.

So at some point in that very long list you get to a huge sub-heading that reads BOYS and under that are along with the things that annoy me about them and what I do not understand about them, I get to 'My friends with boys'. To be specific when they act like once they get a boyfriend, they act like their relationship was meant to be and are going to get married etc. Then as soon as they break up they act like none of that ever happened and have the guts to say "I never even liked him anyways' or 'It's so great being single, I feel so free' or even the worst thing you can ever say and you are basically forcing me to slap you, you can say 'I'm so done with boys'. JUST STOP! No!That is not needed, okay, you are 13/14, you haven't even been been through half of your full life and you're saying crap like this, just be quiet!

So me thinking like this could be due to the fact that I have never had the opportunity to indulge myself in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Yes my life is sad no need to rub it in. Of course I've have those kiddie relationships with boy, where saying you are going to get married is both cute and acceptable but it is not cute nor acceptable to say that when you are between the age of 12 and 15. Though if it does work out and you do end up marrying then kudos to you but until then you can be quiet and walk away from me.

The way this happens my friends (who's boyfriend make have recently broken up with her) may say "I loved him so much and he did this to me" I will go fourth and repetitively say "13 13 13 13 13 13" as that is most likely her age if it isn't I say "14 14 14 14 14"

So yeah that is one of my many pet peeves-more of which will be listed in the future-but until my next post, Byeeeee!!

Maya xx