Back to school

12:26 Maya 0 Comments

Okay so today was my first day back to school and just like everyone else it was probably hell. Seeing all the people you like, dislike and that special someone can probably leave a person having quite mixed emotions as it did for me.

Seeing all the annoying people who won't hush up or the people that really need a reality check can get you quite stressed. Especially the fact that you can't have your phone or headphones out to give you small break can get quite annoying.

I think that, maybe it's because we're worried about everything that is to come in the school year, like if you're in my position you're going choosing your GCSE's this year and what if you pick the wrong one and half way through you want to drop it but you can't you should really ask people who took it themsleves what they think of it. To be honest, we all really need to calm down and just think about the current what we're going to do with our lives right now, like should I eat those biscuits or should I put that song on my phone. I guess people constantly asking about what we want to be when we're older and what we want to choose for GCSE's doesn't help but you can always just say "Honestly I'm too young to be thinking about that and I'm just focusing on the presnet." and hopefully they should shut right up! I'm kidding but if you ever get worried about all thatj ust think maybe I should just eat some food, listen to some good music and reblog some posts on tumblr and everything will be quite alright.

I hope this helped any of you guys out and I'll speak to you soon.

Maya xx


My first post

14:08 Maya 0 Comments

Hi my name is Maya. I'm new here and slowly working things out... So I guess I should tell you guys a bit about myself, I'm pretty much your average teenage girl, boy obsessed, internet addicted, musically possessed and food lover.I will probably be updated as often as I can or when I actually have something interesting to talk about...

Okay speak you guys soon! xx